
Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator

We are focused on supporting startups working within Climate Tech, Clean Tech, and Energy Efficiency, such as; energy distribution, smart grids, and wind energy. While we hold an EnergyTech scope if you have a startup in similar areas or with a connection to customer experience, we're the accelerator for you. Apply today to start the conversation!

Birmingham, Alabama

2024 September

In Person Program

Mar 4th, 2024

Applications Open

May 22nd, 2024

Final Deadline

Sep 9th, 2024

Accelerator Starts

Dec 10th, 2024

Demo Day

About this Program

Welcome to our EnergyTech Accelerator, powered by Alabama Power and located in the heart of Birmingham, Alabama. As part of the Techstars network, our program offers access to the full desired Techstars experience, a diverse support system, as well as proximity to one of America's largest energy producers.

Our investing thesis spans the entire length of the energy vertical, meaning; Renewable energy, Clean energy, Solar power, Wind power, Hydropower, Geothermal energy, Biomass energy, Energy efficiency, Energy storage, Carbon capture, Sustainability, Electric vehicles, Smart grids, and the list continues.

We believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential for innovation, and we welcome founders of all backgrounds to our program. With a track record of hosting founders from all across the world, our aim is to facilitate an accelerator where culture is welcomed.

We're looking to invest in startups developing innovative solutions to today's most pressing energy challenges. Join us and let's build the future of energy together.

Does your startup have a pitch-worthy green aspect? We may be the program for you! Apply today to start the conversation.


"Success is not achievable without support. There are ladder climbers and ladder builders. Be a ladder builder."

Matthew Jaeh, Managing Director
Read the Q&A

The Team

Matthew Jaeh
Managing Director
Rae'Mah Henderson
Program Manager



Supporting Partners


"With EnergyTech, we will mentor companies who could provide growth and modernization across our businesses to help us build the future of energy."
Molly Aeck
Managing Director of New Ventures at Southern Company and Techstars mentor
"We provide startups unmatched resources, coaching from energy industry leaders, and access to a thriving tech ecosystem to grow their companies."
Greg Barker
President of The Economic Development Partnership of Alabama and Techstars mentor