
Techstars WaterTech & Sustainability

In partnership with The Tuscaloosa County Economic Development Authority and The University of Alabama, this program is focused on supporting and advancing tech startups in water technology, sustainability, and hydrologic innovation. We are looking for visionary founders who are addressing the challenges and opportunities that exist in the world of water, emphasizing areas such as water resources prediction and observing systems, drinking water systems, wastewater systems, water utility management, urban water management, treatment technologies, and digital water solutions - just to name a few.

Tuscaloosa, United States

2024 September

In Person Program

Mar 4th, 2024

Applications Open

May 22nd, 2024

Final Deadline

Sep 9th, 2024

Accelerator Starts

Dec 5th, 2024

Demo Day



"Having a great idea is easy, it's having the ability and passion to execute on it that makes you a founder."

Anastasia Simon, Managing Director

The Team

Anastasia Simon
Managing Director
Coko Eason
Program Associate