Get to know StackEase - Techstars Sustainability Paris Accelerator

Sep 19, 2023

Maxence Garson (CEO) | Paul Aubin (CTO)

StackEase, a spinoff of the National Research Institute in Computer Science in France, is at the forefront of driving the clean energy transition by harnessing the power of machine learning. It specializes in the development of cutting-edge optimization and trading technologies tailored specifically for large-scale battery storage systems. Their mission is to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by empowering battery owners to diversify and maximize their revenues on ancillary and spot markets.

What sets them apart is our holistic approach. Beyond revenue optimization, they prioritize the long-term sustainability of energy storage. The company takes into account battery degradation, ensuring that they not only boost immediate profits but also extend the lifespan of these critical assets.

01. Describe the problem/the industry that you are trying to  mediate (and precise the UN SDG-s you are solving). 

StackEase tackles the crucial challenge of optimizing revenue generation and extending the lifespan of large-scale storage batteries through the application of machine learning and automated trading.

Our work closely aligns with important global sustainability goals:

  • UN SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy): StackEase contributes to the development of grid batteries, a cornerstone of renewable energy accessibility and carbon emission reduction.

  • UN SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): We prioritize innovation in the energy sector through advanced algorithms.

  • UN SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production): Our technology indirectly promotes responsible energy consumption. By supporting battery development, we help reduce reliance on high carbon-emitting technologies.

2. How did the idea to create the company come to mind? How did your team come to be?

StackEase's journey began with the vision of our Co-Founder and CTO, Paul, who was formerly affiliated with the French National Research Institute in computer science. Paul, deeply involved in the optimization of wind turbine energy production, forged close collaborations with energy producers. During these interactions, a common challenge surfaced—effectively managing large-scale storage batteries.

Recognizing the potential for innovation, Paul conceived the idea of utilizing machine learning-driven algorithms and automated trading to revolutionize battery usage optimization. This visionary concept laid the foundation for StackEase.

3. Why did you choose to participate in the Paris Techstars accelerator program? What are you looking forward to the most?

We chose to be part of the Paris Techstars accelerator program for really good reasons. Techstars offers us fantastic guidance and connections in the energy, and tech industries. This means we can form important partnerships, stay up-to-date with trends, and importantly, find the funding we need to grow our project. Our project isn't just local; it has a global impact, and Techstars is excellent at helping companies like ours expand worldwide. Techstars also have loads of experience in helping companies grow quickly in fast-growing areas. They're passionate about innovation and making the energy industry better, which is exactly what we're all about. This partnership will help us make an even bigger impact.

4. What are you the most proud of in your initial journey with your company?

In the early days of our company, we achieved many things, but one really stands out. It's our team. We're not just good at machine learning, finance, and business development; we work together incredibly well. We fit together like pieces of a puzzle. We all share the same vision, have entrepreneurship experiences and handle disagreements with respect, so we can turn it into opportunities for growth. We know that challenges will come, but we're confident that we can tackle them as a team.

5. How do you plan to measure the positive impact of your company in the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, we are fully committed to a focused and comprehensive approach to measure and enhance our positive environmental impact. Our primary metric will involve tracking the reduction in carbon emissions resulting from the increased utilization of clean, stored renewable energy. This measurement closely aligns with our dedication to UN SDG 7, which aims to ensure access to clean and affordable energy for all. Specifically, we will quantify our impact by monitoring the number of megawatts traded on short-term markets, effectively replacing the need for thermal power plants—a direct reflection of our SCOPE 3 emissions reduction. Furthermore, we will maintain transparency regarding our SCOPE 1 and SCOPE 2 emissions, encompassing carbon emissions linked to our company's operations.

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